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First and Next Steps

Get started on your faith journey.

A Heartfelt Prayer

Eternal life’s worth cannot be overstated. Pray with sincerity, and you, too, can have the confidence that you are in right standing with your Creator, assured of your place in heaven.

Prayer to get right with God

Dear Father in heaven, I confess that I am a sinner and my sins have separated us. I want to be in a right relationship with You. 

I ask You to help me remember my sins so that I may repent of them and come clean. 

I sincerely repent of my sins and ask for Your mercy to forgive me of my sins. I accept Jesus’ crucifixion, His shed blood and rising from the dead as His payment for my sins. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to come into my heart to guide my thoughts and actions and to help me stay away from my sinful ways. Thank You in the name of my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

“… there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”  Luke 15:10

Next Steps

Get more from life and a relationship with God

Pray daily.

God wants you to have the right desires and He promises to help you to get your good godly desires met. As you know fulfilled desires brings great inner lasting joy. Psalm 37:4  Matt 6:25-33

Caution: God’s promises always come true, but often not when we want or the way we expect.

Pray daily.
Read the Bible frequently

It is hard to overstate the benefits people get from reading the Bible. For over 30 years I have read the Bible every day. There is a reason for that. No other book comes close to providing the benefits the Bible does! There is no greater wisdom or knowledge than what is found in the Bible!

Proverbs 2:6, James 1:5 

The Bible tells us, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” During our lifetimes, we will face many problems. The time is now to prepare for future problems by asking the Holy Spirit for help in reading and understanding the Bible.

I personally think it is best to start by reading the first book of the New Testament, “Matthew.” Then read the first two books of the Bible (Genesis and Exodus) to help you understand who the main characters are throughout the Bible. Then read all of the New Testament and then read the whole Bible from where you finished Exodus. Realize nobody fully understands the Bible the first time they read it. When you come to parts you do not understand, pray for understanding and plow through and plan to understand more later as the Holy Spirit grants you understanding and later as you re-read it. As you read the Bible for the 2nd time, it gets even more exciting as you understand much more and see God’s promises work in your life!!

The New American Standard Bible (NASB) is a very good modern translation and the one I read even though the English in the NASB is slightly old style. For new Bible readers I recommend the English Standard Version (ESV). The ESV is written like Americans speak and write in the 2020s.

BibleGateWay.com has an assortment of Bible reading plans to read the Bible in one year or however you want. And here is a checklist to read the Bible in one year.

Read the Bible frequently
Tell others that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Tell others that you accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Encourage others to get right with God

Encourage others to get right with God so they can be confident they will end up in heaven. This is what Jesus calls The Great Commission. Send text messages and email messages to friends, family and co-workers saying:      I found the most important thing in life and I want you to be confident you will have a very good eternity in heaven and not be in jeopardy of spending eternity in hell. So please go to www.HowToGetRightWithGod.com to learn how to get right with God and pray the salvation prayer in blue at the end. And watch this YouTube video at www.Answers4Eternity.org.

Encourage others to get right with God
Find a good “Bible-teaching church”

Find a church to go to learn more about a relationship with God and to meet new genuine friends. If you have friends who drag you into sin, you need to convert them or leave them. Proverbs 13:20. If you absolutely cannot go to a good “Bible-teaching church” at least read your Bible frequently and get into a “Christian” Bible study that fits your schedule.

Find a Church

Find a good “Bible-teaching church”
Get baptized by immersion
All baptisms in the Bible are of adults (not babies) being immersed in water (not sprinkled). When my parents had me baptized as a baby I only got wet. It did nothing for me spiritually because I was not at an age of accountability. Mark 16:16  Click here for more Bible verses about baptism. Click here to watch a video of adults being baptized in church in nice warm water.  
Get baptized by immersion
Check out our Resources

Note your calendar to go to the Resources Page on this website daily or at least each Sunday to remind you to take advantage of the many good resources there.

Check out our Resources


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